Friday, August 20, 2010


1. 每天有一段独处的时光。

2. 相信自己是一个有潜力的人。

3. 把家人放在手心上。

4. 不要让细微争执伤害到宝贵的友谊。

5. 认真恋爱。

6. 常常想到自己的福气。

7. 得不到也是一种福气。

8. 失败的祝福。

9. 对规定了如指掌,才知道如何突破。

10. 赞美给人重要感。

11. 欣赏别人打开礼物的表情。

12. 不要批评别人。

13. 沉默有时是最好的回答。

14. 把压力当成新鲜有趣的探险。

15. 重要的事先做。

16. 态度积极,充满热忱。

17. 沟通无线宽频,一路顺畅到底。

18. 终身学习。

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Selfish Love

The only way to love anyone is to love them selfishly.

To love for looks is shallow;
To love for personality-even more so.

When asked why they love their girlfriends/boyfriends/friends, most people start listing a number of 'attributes' which they see in that person which make them very love-able. Normal responses look like:
'They are so caring'.
'They make me laugh'.
'They are so interesting to talk to'.

But I feel that this is a delusion. I have yet to meet a person who is, without break, interesting or caring or who makes me laugh anytime they want. So, technically, you love them not for THEM, but what they ARE. There is a great difference; the same difference that exists between 'loving' someone and 'admiring' someone.

Furthermore, as soon as any changes in personality or circumstances chance to take away/overshadow any of the great personal
ity gems of the person you 'love', it feels as if it's not the same person anymore. If a guy loves his girlfriend for her modesty, the normal reaction to any act of 'immodesty' on her part would be: 'You've changed'. And thus, the characteristics become THEM; define THEM; personify THEM. When you love a person for their characteristics, you fail to love the person themselves.

The only way to truly love someone is to love them for yourself; to love them because Love is a pleasure, a joy, a smile. Because Love is an ecstasy, and Love is a purpose. Because it is a conviction, and a duty. Because when you love them, you feel yourself giddy with happiness. Simply, this :).