Friday, December 11, 2009

Law of Attraction

I have read 'The Secret' and applied it to my life a lot of times. Meanwhile, reading the secret, I have learned a lot of simple quick techniques to use the law of attraction easily and with fun.

The easiest way to use or understand the law of attraction is probably the most simple things I have ever learned in my life. Just start by being happy with yourself and what and where you are now. Be happy with yourself as well as others because when you curse or envy or feel anything bad for others, you will get the reflection back. Once I learned this, I started to change my thinking and things changed. Be yourself and love yourself.

The next step would be not to get depressed by anything. I used to get depressed by almost everything around and that made me more depressed. No matter what is making your depressed or feel bad but never ever stay in depressive state. Get some sleep, listen to some music or just get out for a walk. So, that second thing to remember is always be happy with yourself and your situations. They are good for you.

Now that third step in this easiest way to use the law of attraction is that you should do what you want. If you want your relationships to be good and happy just start believing that you are actually in good and happy relationships. The easiest way to use the law of attraction starts here. Suppose my parents used to scold and dump me a lot of pressure about studies but now, everything stopped. Everything became casual and happy. Dad always remains in good mood while mom always make me feel happy and cared of. So, what did I do? I changed my thinking about my parents. From thinking that they are bad and abusive I started thinking what good they had and how they cared a lot for me.

While it's hard to say where the matrix of the universe meets your success counterpart, the easiest way to use the law of attraction is to make things casual. Start being casual with what you want. Start being casual with things as if they are at your doorstep. Start being casual with your life.

That's the easy way to use the law of attraction.

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