Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Don't Know What To Do Anymore.....

I've been extremely clueless for the last one week. You see, I don’t know what to do anymore.

My motley group of friends and siblings suggested the following, strictly keeping me in mind, as they emphasized:

1. Become a food taster.

2. Learn piano (I wish i learned it when i was a kid).

3. Try gardening without killing the plants and watering the weeds.

4. Learn pottery.

5. Apply for another degree (are you kidding me?).

6. Be different: think negative.

7. Act profound and stare when someone approaches me.

8. Pretend I’m an alien (this shouldn’t be tough).

9. Get a binocular, peer without a break into the neighbour’s house.

10. Learn to type with my toes.

11. Transmigrate.

12. Tonsure my head.

WOW...... Should i do all that? Guys.... Anymore?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Small but makes me happy...

It's 3.30am and i can't sleep. Looking at all the photos in my computer, there's a thought in my mind, thinking of writing it out.

I sometimes think what is that one particular thing that makes me really happy. Is it when I'm with my friends or is it when I'm at home with family or is it when I'm alone?

Sometimes I do something good for others and I feel really good about it. Sometimes achieving something very meager makes me feel that I did a great job and sometimes simply doing nothing also feels good. Sometimes very minute things in life bring a smile on my face like...uhm... nice weather when a cold zephyr is blowing every where, when i hang out with friends, yummy delicious food, when I sleep for really long, when an old friend gives me a call or sms and talks about all olden golden memories, surprises, walking in the rain without the dirty muddy water getting splashed on you, sitting on the terrace of a really tall building, climbing trees (think I have forgotten), playing cards ,snakes and ladders (which I hardly play these days) and many many more....

Life is always filled with such moments…...such small things…. that bring happiness whenever you think about them. Life is very much incomplete without these small moments. Every one of us has these types of cherish able moments which we value throughout our lifetime.

I just love every single one of them.....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Random Questions

Some random question that I just cant seem to tire of answering them. Here’s a bunch of 21 random questions I answer, picked off some websites.

1. Where is the place that you want to go the most?

I'd like to visit LA, Cancun, London and a lot more.

2. At what age do/did you wish to marry?

Depends. Not until I have my own car and house

3. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?

I feel sad. What am I supposed to do otherwise? Dance on tabletops?

4. If you win $1 million, what would you do?

Give it all to charity.. Yeah, right!

5. Are you in love with anyone?

Uhm… Yes, the one and only one.

6. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?

I regretted it every time I asked myself the question 'should I?' and answered that in the negative. Let's just do it.

7.What type of person do you dislike the most?

Anyone who has an ego bigger than mine. Arrogant Bastxxds.

8. What is your ambition?

To be great at everything I do.

9. How late did you stay up last night and why?

Was up till 4 a.m watching War Of The Worlds. Nice movie if you're into the whole alien and end of the world stuff.

10. Do you believe ex's can be friends?

Yes, when pigs fly maybe!

11. When was the last time you cried?

Uhm... been a while, probably sometime last year.

12. Was yesterday better than today?

Everyday is exactly the same.

13. Can you live a day without TV?

Sure. Now if you ask me if I could live without the computer...

14. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?

Worth what? Nothing you do in life ever really matters cause we're all gonna die someday anyway. Wow... I'm really positive today.

15. What does the last text message in your inbox say?


16. How do you feel about your life right now?

Normal, at least im not unhappy.

17. Do you hate anyone?

Uhm... not really. There's two guys I'd like to punch in the face, but that's just cause they deserve it.

18. If we were to look in your Email inbox, what would we find most?

Spam. Lot's of it.

19. What song is stuck in your head?

I'm yours - Jason Mraz. Don't ask me why, I just love it.

20. Someone knocks on your door at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be?

Hmmm… my mum!!!

21. Do you smile a lot?

Smile and laugh a lot. Helps keep everyone around me happy, although I may not really feel that way, deep inside. Ah, who cares! :D

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My 'Ah Ma'

Someone once said, “It’s such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother or father, that’s why the world calls her grandmother.”

This is one of the truest statements I’ve ever read. The role of grandmother is certainly seen as a cornerstone in any family; however, whilst glancing at the dictionary one day, grandmother is simply defined as the mother of your father or mother. Even as I stand here today I find it difficult to put what my grandmother was into words, but I’ll try.

I know everyone can relate to me when I say that a grandmother is every person you wanted to be in life. Her home remedies made her the best doctor in the world. No doctor at a hospital would prescribe a spoonful of milk to get a foreign object from your eye or a piece of salted meat to remove a painful splinter from your finger, but they always worked to perfection. The way she was never wrong made her the best lawyer in the world. She could win any case with any grandchild by saying “because I said so.” When those four words were spoken, she was the judge, prosecution, and jury. No matter how many years you went to school, you could never be as smart as her. It didn’t matter if you had nine degrees; there was always something new you could learn from her. She was never incorrect, and even if she was, you’d never correct her otherwise a quick pop would remind you of who was really right. She was also your best friend. When your mom or dad said no, there was always grandma who could never turn you down. She was the best chef in the world. I don’t care if Emeril Lagasse personally prepared you a meal, nothing could be better than a home cooked meal from grandma. No one could beat her ‘sambal’, ‘asam soup’ (the best soup in the world), ‘dao iu bak’, and many many more.

Unfortunately my grandma’s currently suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. She started to forget things; she forgets what she did moments ago, forgets what she ate, forgets what people said to her, and sometimes even takes a long while to think who I am. Hopefully someday somehow there’s a cure for this disease……..

As I said, she is every person we wanted to be all rolled into one. She’s a confidante, a best friend, and a part of us. I believe that the dictionary should revise its definition of what a grandmother is because she is truly a person that is beyond definition.

Ah Ma, maybe someday you would forget all of us. BUT you’ll always be remembered in our heart forever.